

Pick Your Poison:

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Every Freshman in College

Right now in my life i am being faced with many challenges. Wether it is temptation, work ethic, spirituality etc. i am under a very heavy weight because i am a new college student in a new town on my own for the first time in life. I've been at UNT for only about 2 weeks now (not long at all)and I've already gone to blows with my mom twice, met a guy, gotten a pet fish, gone to my first college party, and am regular at the Pohl Rec Center. It feels like I've already been here for 2 years, not weeks. I've started class and purchased my textbooks- which apparently are made of golden pages, i mean they have to be at that price- and I've eaten at every hall on campus. But what have i learned? I've done ALOT, but what have i gotten out of my first two weeks? 

  • I have learned that i can't please everyone. 
  • Lying to my parents is never a good idea. (especially now)
  • When your professors tell you to read a chapter, do it.        Disclaimer: wait until after syllabus week to buy your books!!!!
  • Frat dudes are.... well ya know...
  • Walking into your dorm while it dirty is just a reminder that you're on your own.. so clean it, make your bed. 
  • I love easy mac
  • I need coffee
  • I'm not a full out grown up YET.

That last bullet point is my main realization. I miss my mom, i miss my home and my dog and the way my house smelt like brown cinnamon sugar ALL THE TIME. I don't know it all, i don't have it all together like i think i do. I need to talk to my family everyday, i can't just cut them out like in my head i had pictured it happening (why? i don't know). 

So growing up is fun, yes. 
But growing up is also very hard. 

Now go call your mom and tell her ya love her! 
& Good luck, Darlings

1 comment:

  1. Madeleine Grace, you'll do just fine because you're made of good stuff like integrity, kindness, faithfulness, love, and, of course, cinnamon brown sugar! ~ Love, Oma
